By: Helena Stanley


PR and marketing are essential to gaining and retaining new clients. Without a plan or detailed blueprint on how to reach these clients, no matter how great the pitch may be, it may lack direction and can ultimately run out of steam. Therefore, we’ve compiled 4 steps on how to properly market to current and potential clients:

Define and Maintain Attainable Goals

This is an integral part of any marketing strategy because without set, clear goals, the project will fall apart because of a lack of substance. In order to define your goals, ask yourself who your target client is and how your services can match up with their ideals. Having a broad goal such as “find new clients” is good as a loose outline, but without specific goals, the path forward becomes clouded. With clear objectives, you can set yourself up for success by understanding exactly how to attain the end-goal of gaining new clients. Maintaining attainable goals goes hand-in-hand with defining the goals of the project because if you are constantly reaching too high, the results will often be disappointing. Yet, starting with smaller, achievable goals such as “post on social media daily” can ultimately lead your company to accomplishing those larger aspirations that you strive for.

Tailor Messages to Your Audience

A press release that excites students in a college town may be unsuccessful with a retirement community, therefore, it is critical that each message created is tailored specifically to your target audience. This not only includes what is written in a press release, but also encompasses where it is released. Seasoned generations may read print much more than younger generations, so do your research on your audience before sending out your marketing messages so the campaign follow the proper channels to reach the correct people. Tailoring your message bolsters your strategy and allows you to reach possible clients and achieve the goals you set in the beginning.

Have Structure but be Flexible

While this may sound counter-intuitive, structure is the backbone of any well-thought-out marketing strategy, but flexibility is key to pulling it off. Without some semblance of organization in your plan, you are simply putting yourself at a disadvantage. Maintaining a proper framework helps to section off each of the defined goals, allowing for a clear, concise path to follow. Yet, it is also important not to panic if something does not go according to plan. If part of your marketing plan falls through such as a press release not being run by a specific media outlet or your marketing is not receiving the amount of feedback you desired, you must be able to adapt and overcome. Flexibility is vital to accurately alter your strategy in order to reach current and new clients.


Lastly, a no-brainer, you must execute your strategy. If you abandon your marketing plan at the last minute, chances are, it will not reach the correct people or be nearly as effective as the strategy that is thoughtfully prepared and organized. Through these four basic steps, you can effectively market your business and yourself, ultimately expanding your client-base.


