By Nyah Scott

Photo by A. Shvets via Pexels

Photo by A. Shvets via Pexels

Wake up. Get some coffee in your system. Hop onto one Zoom meeting after another. Sleep. Repeat.

While this may be an extreme oversimplification of what working professionals may be experiencing during the time of COVID-19, it does hold some truth about how we’ve changed how our time is spent “at work,” communicating with co-workers, and networking. Most professionals are well-acquainted with the ups and downs of navigating a Zoom-oriented world, and with the limited ability to meet people face-to-face, some believe that the magic of networking and making genuine connections has been hindered.

This blog is here to explain how that assumption couldn’t be further from the truth. Networking via Zoom and other digital conferencing platforms can be done easily and effectively with the right tips.

Be on Your (Triple) “A” Game. Attentive, Active, & Ahead of the Game.

Attentive | While easier said than done, paying attention to the conversation or content being shared in your Zoom meeting is the first and foremost step to creating a networking opportunity online. You can’t effectively take in the useful information of your peers and co-professionals if you’re too focused on how you look in your little self-view window or distracted by things to fidget with at your desk. Make it easy for yourself by setting up a Zoom environment that limits distractions at the outset, and most of all, know yourself.

Active | Speak when the discussion in opened, and facilitate discourse where need be. By speaking up or actively chatting as a moderator or as a non-moderating participant, you make yourself indispensable to the conversation and keeps your name in the minds of other attendees to look up and connect with afterward.

Ahead of the Game | While meeting participants may look up memorable names and faces after the call or webinar, see if there is an invitation list accessible to you or publicized information on the virtual event speaker. Take 10-15 minutes to skim over participants’ LinkedIn profiles or online biographies, and apply the information you collected to curate questions and inquiries tailored to the people you’re meeting with and make yourself memorable through your personalized conversation and interest in the fields specific to your fellow attendees.

 Be Visible!

Moderate meetings, volunteer to coordinate event speakers, or be a speaker yourself at trade-specific or networking webinars. There are plenty of ways to participate in webinars, from hosting / co-hosting to interacting in the chat ask insightful questions. Every virtual event is an opportunity to network, so don’t be afraid of putting yourself out there when appropriate.

 Build Cross-Platform Connections

Without face-to-face interactions and in-person follow-ups, connecting with people online has become more important than ever. Online connections solidify your presence in the digital circles of others. Get in the habit of sending personalized LinkedIn connection notes, follow the social media accounts of a business or brand from a webinar, and interact with the individuals or accounts to insert yourself into relevant discourse, building rapport with each like, comment, and share. Schedule one-on-ones with people of interest and ensure the longevity of your connections to open up the opportunity of collaborations and business offers in the future.

 Beware of Zoom-Fatigue

You can’t operate at your full networking potential if you’re physically or mentally exhausted. Scheduling back-to-back Zoom meetings all day or staying on a call for more than 90 minutes is bound to make you a victim of “Zoom fatigue.” Combat the draining effects of video-call-based meetings by allotting yourself time away from your devices, using phone calls or emails as means of communication where video call is unnecessary, and pick and choose your (Zoom) battles. Do not prolong meetings longer than needed, and during meetings, try clicking away from your self-view window, avoid multitasking, and reduce your overall cognitive load. Apply your energy effectively and efficiently.
